Welcome to LBNF / DUNE UK TWiki

Welcome to the LBNF / DUNE UK Project Twiki. This is the front page of the project twiki and you will find more "Webs" in the site map area of the page.

In order to get access please first register here and email Antonis Papanestis to get the right permissions. Please include your username.

DUNE Pre-Construction - This is the general web for the DUNE Pre-Contruction. Work package areas are available for storage and sharing of documents.

LBNF / DUNE UK Institute Board - This web is for the work package managers, senior management and Institute PI's to share and store documentation. There is restricted access to this area.

LBNF / DUNE UK Governance - This web is for the overall governance of the LBNF / DUNE UK projects. There is restricted access to this area.

LBNF / DUNE UK Project Management - This web is for the package managers and senior management of each project to share and store documentation. There is restricted access to this area.

LBNF / DUNE UK STFC - STFC will use this area for the programme management of the current and future project. Oversight Committee meetings and PPRP reviews will also be held in this area.

LBNF / DUNE UK WP1 - Physics - Working area for the separate work package within the LBNF/DUNE-UK Project.

LBNF / DUNE UK WP2 - DAQ - Working area for the separate work package within the LBNF/DUNE-UK Project.

LBNF / DUNE UK WP3 - APAs - Working area for the separate work package within the LBNF/DUNE-UK Project.

LBNF / DUNE UK WP4 - Target - Working area for the separate work package within the LBNF/DUNE-UK Project.

LBNF / DUNE UK WP5 - PIP-II SRF - Working area for the separate work package within the LBNF/DUNE-UK Project.

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TIP Webs are color-coded for identification and reference. Contact if you need a workspace web for your team.

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Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PNGpng DUNE_Pic.png r1 manage 119.5 K 2017-12-18 - 11:26 RoyPreece  
JPEGjpg LBNE_Picture.jpg r1 manage 259.6 K 2017-12-13 - 16:33 RoyPreece  
JPEGjpg LBNE_Picture_Small.jpg r1 manage 31.0 K 2017-12-13 - 16:53 RoyPreece  
JPEGjpg Logo_Picture.JPG r1 manage 14.6 K 2017-12-12 - 23:14 RoyPreece  
PNGpng Logo_Picture.PNG r1 manage 41.3 K 2017-12-13 - 15:57 RoyPreece  
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Topic revision: r54 - 2020-06-09 - AntonisPapanestis
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